Setup Your Own Offshore Development Center In India

Our developers can take your project & your development teams to the next level.

An offshore development center (ODC) is an extended, integrated, and dedicated offshore team supporting a company in the software development process located in another country. 

Why Setup your ODC with us?

So you can ramp up your software development and scale up quickly. If you want technology to work wonders for you, we can help setup offshore development teams while ensuring quick turn-around, quality development and peace of mind for you!

Immediate availability of resources

Dedicated development team comprising of skilled & experienced resources

Offer support in multiple time zone

Industry standards and practices followed

Set Up An Offshore Development Center

Get the best of both the worlds with Low Risk and High Productivity

Technical Expertise

In-house technical experts to help find solutions to all your technical problems in a whole array of technologies

Cost Effectiveness

Implement what makes sense for your business to get the best value in your budget

Workforce Transparency

Advanced tools for communication & project management to ensure maximum visibility at all times

What Is ODC in Software Development?

An offshore development center (ODC) is an extended, integrated, and dedicated offshore team supporting a company in the software development process located in another country. It includes all kinds of specialists like programmers, testers, project managers, designers, copywriters, UX/UI specialists. The ODC is a popular business model for different kinds of companies including startups and enterprise companies. It takes care of processes like development and maintenance of software, project management, testing and migration, and various other IT / technical support, thus enabling organizations to focus on their core competencies.

In addition to providing specialized skills, an ODC can help cut down operating costs, reduce development time and overcome limitations of infrastructure. Further, it does it in a way that you have complete control over projects.

As an Offshore Development Center?

Setting an offshore software development center requires time, effort, and money, so one should think and plan before making the final decision. Here are some points how we help you as your Offshore Development Center.

Quality and Accountability

Shared responsibility

As a leading ODC company we place great emphasis on quality and innovation to attract clients in a competitive market. We are efficient and reliable in our operations. Our efficient evaluation and reporting procedures will allow you to assess and monitor the progress of the projects in real time. You can even ask the offshore development center to redo a project if you are not satisfied with the results-provided your contract stipulates this.

The risks associated with software development are likely to be better estimated by the offshore company since this process is part of its core business. When outsourcing a project, both parties can come to an agreement on risk management and share the responsibility.

Timely delivery of projects

Technical assistance and knowledge retention

ODCs like us strictly follow the project timelines that you set during planning, design, development, testing, and deployment. Effective cooperation between the in-house team and offshore team can make the project lifecycle shorter.

ODCs offer continuous technical support throughout the duration of the project. All the knowledge gained during a project’s life cycle are preserved. The retained knowledge can be further developed and used for other projects as well.